
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why Our Family Does Martial Arts

Parents and Students,

I won't make a long thesis about why my family does martial arts. But please understand that there are very deep and personal reasons. Those of you who know me well also know that I spent a professional career coaching high school sports for about ten years. I have been involved with wrestling my whole life at all levels and we are still involved. During the next two weeks Trent will be wrestling at two important national level tournaments. He has been training 8 hours a day for three weeks at UVU in preparation for these events.

The reason I mention this is I want you to see my perspective of how important martial arts are to the character and personal development of my own children. Last spring, it became evident that Trent could not wrestle and spend the time it took to earn his Black Belt.

There was no hesitation on my part as a parent. I talked to Trent and asked him to quit wrestling until he had his Black Belt. In June of last year, Trent was able to earn his Black Belt. Understand that this Black Belt cost him being an All American in Wrestling last summer and because he fell behind in his training schedule, it cost him a Utah Junior High State Championship in January of this year.

Yet, I will go on record and I know Trent feels the same way that we would not trade his Black Belt for any of those other accomplishments. A Black Belt is truly a priceless accomplishment and anyone can do it at any age with enough hard work and commitment. In telling this story, I want you to know how important Martial Arts is to myself and our family.

Last fall, my wife was diagnosed with cancer shortly after we opened our studio on main street. We kept this close and personal among our family, especially in the martial arts world. Yet many of you are also close friends and have found out.

The reason that I tell this story is again we want everyone to know that we have no regret's of opening our school on main street. There have been added pressures and challenges, but there have been great rewards. We also can reach more people and offer this incredible experience and opportunity.

Right now I want to personally thank my family and all my Black Belts for all they have done.

I also thank all of our wonderful students.

I especially thank Master Royal West and his wife Master Meda West for their wonderful support and friendship and all the other fellow Black Belts in Utah.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Mr. Joe Kelly

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