
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stripe Testing Explained

Dear Parents and Students,

The purpose of this email is to help you better understand the new Stripe Testing System at the studio. I know that I have explained this a few times. I will try to answer a few questions differently this time. If you have questions please email me, because chances are that others have the same question. I will respond to your question and email everyone the answer but keep your name out of it so it will be confidential.

I have attached a pdf file of the Stripe System we are using. Please print it out and refer to it often. Simply find the rank that is being worked on and then go across the chart and find the requirements for the various stripes for that rank. When you have reached competency in a particular strip area you will test for that stripe and then put the stripe on your belt.

The stripes are listed as follows:

Yellow Stripe: These are the basic techniques required for that rank. We expect these techniques to be performed at that rank ability level.

Green Stripe: You earn this stripe by passing off all of your lower rank forms. This may be the hardest stripe to earn because we expect you to continually practice and improve on these forms as you move up in rank. This will usually be the last stripe that you earn in a belt cycle. In order to pass off this stripe you also need to know the meanings, kihaps, and moves for each form. I have also attached a pdf file of the forms and meanings to this email so that you may study them.

Blue Stripe: This stripe is passed off by passing off your current form that you are working on for the next belt.

Brown Stripe: This stripe is earned by demonstrating your martial arts spirit and ki. Each rank has a specific requirement. In addition earning Black Stripes is a must in order to earn Brown Stripes. This will further be explained below.

Red Stripe: The Red Stripe represents your ability to do self defense, one steps, and free fight. Again each rank has different requirements.

Other Stripes:

Black Stripe: This stripe is earned by doing your Black Belt Excellence worksheet each month. You also earn additional Black Stripes by getting good grades; notes for good behavior from parents or teachers; and showing Black Belt attitude, and respect. You should earn several Black Stripes each belt cycle. If you are not earning these stripes, you will not be allowed to progress to the next rank.

Monthly Champion Stripe: This stripe is earned each month by demonstrating a different quality of a champion the theme for this month is Accuracy. Last month was Power.

Questions That Have Been Asked:

Can I earn more than one stripe per month or Stripe Test? Yes you can if you are at competency level for the requirements of that stripe or stripes. Please realize the five rank requirement stripes are designed to be earned in a minimum of over three months.

Should I feel bad if I don’t earn a stripe during a month or if I earn only one stripe at a class? Not at all, several students may go a month or two without earning a stripe. Certainly these students and their parents need to be in communication with the instructors to see what skills need to be mastered to earn the stripe or stripes that they are working on.

How can I know which stripes I have earned for a belt? The instructors keep a requirements sheet on your progress for each rank. This sheet covers the requirements for each stripe. Parents and students should visit with instructors often and receive feedback for what is on the sheet that that the student should be working on. Also, stripes that you have earned are placed on your belt at the time you pass them off.

What happens when I have earned all of the stripes for that belt? If this happens near a Belt Graduation date then you will attend the graduation and receive your next belt. After you have earned your belt stripes, you may start to work on stripes required at the next rank. You may also spend extra time working on your weapons or sparring skills.

How many months does it take to become a 1st Dan Black Belt? Most students take at least 40 months to earn this rank. Some very exceptional students may earn this rank in as little as 36 months. Younger students will often take 60+ months. It is important to recognize that training does not end at Black Belt, martial arts are a lifetime pursuit. Students who take longer to earn the rank typically know the material better and are better martial artists.

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