
Thursday, February 4, 2010

More Stripe Questions

Here is a quick answer to more Stripe Testing questions.

Can a student earn a stripe between tests? Generally, we prefere that students earn stripes at the designated stripe tests. If a student is close to earning a stripe however, a stripe test may occur after a class with my approval. This is intended to be the exception and not the rule. Please realize that we are about raising the bar with students technique and skills and not making them feel good about themselfs because they earned a piece of tape around their belt. The stripe is real the test is real and means something.

What about adult students, do they have to earn black stripes as part of the black belt excellence program? No adult students earn the skill based stripes. Adults are showing Black Belt excellence everyday by who they are in the community and at home. The fact that they are in martial arts speaks volumes about their character. We expect our adult students to conduct themselfs in the highest possible manner. If their standing demonstrates otherwise, then we will deal with that person on an individual basis. Grandmaster Royal West has asked that we all evaluate our behavior and conduct outside our martial arts academy. We are all connected and depend on each other. We are all ambasators of the martial arts and the Royal West Martial Arts organization.

Do you charge for stripe tests? No, stripe tests are free and at now cost. At the end of that belt cycle when the student has earned all the stripes for the next rank, a belt graduation fee will be charged according to the rank that the student is graduating too.

I hope that these answers clarifies more about the stripe system we are using.

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